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    Brief Medical History Overview

    Age: 50, Female, Presenting Problem Since: @8 months, Symptom Behaviour: constant or slightly worse, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): day when im busy, Aggravating Factors:: full bladder, Easing Factors:: not sure, empty bladder, doing nothing, No Investigations, No Diabetes, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, Bowel & Bladder: as above, Other Info: have seen a physio previously who told me my bladder was overstretched( I was drinking 3 to 4 litres of water daily as part of my diet) he told me that my pelvic floor was underactive and my oblique abdominals overactive

    Unhappy urinary incontinence

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    Hi, I'm a relatively fit 50 year old, have been strength training for years, have two young adult children and active and healthy lifestyle.
    I've noticed in recent times that I am suffering a degree of urinary incontinence that i'm unaware of. ie. I go to the toilet and find my underwear damp and smelling of urine. Seems to happen when my bladder is full, I generally drink plenty of water and find I need to pee every couple of hours at least.
    I notice that I used to wet myself a tiny bit if I sneezed or coughed suddenly with a full bladder but this is different now.
    It comes after I did a fair bit of heavy training in 2018 and 19 for competitive bodybuilding and I had an umbilical hernia repair in March 2020.
    Any suggestions as I can't afford a schedule of physio visits and I'm horrified this is happening to me!

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    Re: urinary incontinence

    Quote Originally Posted by Roby20 View Post
    Hi, I'm a relatively fit 50 year old, have been strength training for years, have two young adult children and active and healthy lifestyle.
    I've noticed in recent times that I am suffering a degree of urinary incontinence that i'm unaware of. ie. I go to the toilet and find my underwear damp and smelling of urine. Seems to happen when my bladder is full, I generally drink plenty of water and find I need to pee every couple of hours at least.
    I notice that I used to wet myself a tiny bit if I sneezed or coughed suddenly with a full bladder but this is different now.
    It comes after I did a fair bit of heavy training in 2018 and 19 for competitive bodybuilding and I had an umbilical hernia repair in March 2020.
    Any suggestions as I can't afford a schedule of physio visits and I'm horrified this is happening to me!
    Some people may develop urinary problems after inguinal hernia surgery due to over stimulation of muscle in the bladder, neck and prostate, causing difficulty. My situation was something different and common. I was in my second trimester of pregnancy and recently started having a little bit of a urinary incontinence problem when sneezing or laughing a little to hard. I assume it has to do with baby growing and putting more weight on my bladder. And also heard that a weak pelvic floor muscle could make it hard for your bladder to store urine during stress incontinence. My gynecologist advised me to do pelvic floor massage therapy to improve and strengthen pelvic muscles. However, I was not familiar with the treatment procedure and planned to take a trial and visited my nearest clinic. The result was surprising. Doing daily pelvic floor exercises improved the flexible motion of my pelvic muscles and helped to solve urinary difficulties.

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    Re: urinary incontinence

  4. #4
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    Re: urinary incontinence

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    pelvic floor massage or physiotherapy is extremely helpful in your situation.

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