I hope this isn’t too much; its symptoms that I’m pretty sure ultimately stem from long-standing bad posture from sitting and using my iPad too much. What I’m looking for is clues as to what is going on, so I can do further research, as I am delaying returning to my physio due to a cold I’m having difficulty getting over. Any clues or feedback welcomed

  • I have head forward posture, have started doing neck/shoulder stretches and strengthening, and upper back strengthening, and have just purchased an iPad stand
  • The problem flares up when I’ve been browsing/using my iPad/PC for any length of time, and especially when I play games I mostly use my iPad, only using my PC when I’m playing Skyrim
  • It does improve with rest (which I have dropped the ball on a lot: my main stress relievers (as someone with anxiety) and hobbies have stuff I need to do online)
  • I mentioned this to a previous physio a few months ago (at the end of a session about my lower back), and he, I think, did a trigger point release on a spot (joint?) on the right side of my neck. Very painful. And then I was able to straighten arm again. He also gave me stretches to do, “walking” arm up wall and stretching it out, which does help (I do both arms). Mentioned something about a part of my neck being fatigued)
  • I have been mostly focussing on lower body problems with my physio sessions (have been dealing with lower back/piriformis/flat feet problems, so I haven’t had a session focussed just on this yet


  • Pain upper right arm; it’s the upper side of arm, but more situated the left of that, and up into my shoulder
  • Tightness and pain under right armpit
  • Pain side and back of right shoulder
  • Inability to completely straighten right arm overhead
  • mild nerve pain side/little finger of right hand
  • Soreness neck (right side of back of neck, sort of the corner between side and back of neck, if this makes sense)
  • Left arm/shoulder has similar (but a bit less) pain/stiffness shoulder/armpit/upper arm (same areas), pain above left elbow, pain/twinges left wrist
  • Similar soreness on left side of neck (equivalent areas), but less so
  • I definitely have a feeling that both my arms/shoulders are (easily) fatigued, or maybe this referred from my neck

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