Hi there!

Thanks for the help with my last post; I知 hoping you can help me again

I致e had flat feet for years, and have used the same (custom) inserts for a number of years as well. My right foot is flatter than the left, so the insert is also larger

Recently, I started doing physio exercises to try and see if I could correct things, ie, calf and foot stretches, and towel exercises.

I also noticed, a bit over a week ago (I noticed when lying on my back with my knees raised that my right knee was higher than the left and that my abs and upper back were tilted to the left), that I had a lateral right pelvic tilt and have been doing daily quadratus loborum stretches). The tilt seems to be less so now, which is great!

However, I now have a couple of lumps (raised areas) right at the bottom of the arch of my right foot, and another on the side of the foot in line the previous ones, which starts to itch when I put pressure on them. I can only think that the changed mechanics on that side have something to do with it. They look paler than the surrounding skin

I知 nervous about not using the inserts altogether, as the reason I used them in the first place was due to knee problems. I知 honestly not sure what to do about this.

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