Brief Medical History Overview
Shoulder grinding persistant clicking
Hi all, I'm a rock climber and generally active individual (aged 19). I try to keep my muscles in proportion and understand the problems of imbalances. About 5 months ago a dull ache in my shoulder which appeared after climbing (usually the next day) felt tender for a while. While climbing there was no pain then it began making loud clicking popping and grinding noises particularly when I reach with hand at heart level towards my left side (its my right shoulder)
It doesnt hurt when holding above my head or when abducted from the body. During fly exercises it clicks alot but no pain is felt.
I'm a little lost on what to do for the best, rest? Although I have been resting for ages! I tried some
rotator cuff ex but to little avail it seemed to aggrevate the clicking.
I went to my GP who told me I had pulled my deltoid...which I disagree with profusely.
Any help you can offer would be much appreciated!
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