Hi All,
Wondering if anyone can offer any advice or experience please?
I sprained my ankle before Christmas by rolling it on even ground. I heard a snapping at the time and had severe pain my husband was several steps in front at the time and commented on the noise. He helped me hobble home, it wasn't far.
I immediately elevated, iced and rested. After it was still incredibly painful and swollen I went to a&e for an x-ray about 5 days later. They said it was fine, just a bad sprain. There didn't appear to be too much bruising.
For about 6 weeks I avoided any impact activity, continued ice, elevation etc, then slowly returned to some light running based on the a&e advice.
After a few weeks I was still experiencing a lot of pain so stopped running and any high impact activity.
I went to see a specialist chiropractor who said my ankle was completely jammed up and used ultrasound therapy and an 'activator' tool to pop bones back in to place.
I went for several of these sessions, perhaps 7 or 8 over the same about of weeks but no improvement. I then went to my GP physio who questioned the chiropractor treatment, and said I needed to do strengthening activities as have barely any stability in my ankle.
6 weeks later and I am still in so much pain, particularly on at the bottom of the bony part on the inside of my right ankle. It is so sore to touch. It causes me to limp a lot as it hurts too much to put weight on. There is also still a fair bit of swelling.
The GP physio has now put me on anti inflammatories, advised to continue strengthening exercises, ice, elevation. I had an ultrasound last week but was told 'oh, we can't see ligaments on an ultrasound so you'll need an MRI scan'. They did say that my tendons look OK but a tad inflamed, and I have fluid on the ankle.
I have also now started experiencing pins and needles / numbness in my foot and toes, and the sensation of an elastic band tied round my ankle. The GP said this is nerve compression and has prescribed Amitryptaline and referred me for an MRI.
I'm so upset by the treatment that could have been completely wrong for me, but also can't believe how sore it is and how much worse it is getting. I tore ligaments in both ankles about 20 years ago falling down some stairs, so I definitely have weakness there but this pain is so frustrating.
Has anyone else had a similar experience with a sprain? Could it be ligament tear??
Many thanks and kind regards
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