Hi all

First time poster but come in relative desperation now after many years of consistent leg muscle injuries. I’m late thirties and have always been a keen sportsman playing football, rugby, hockey (field). My participation has been somewhat hampered over the years through leg injuries - by this I mean “pulling” or tearing the muscles in my quads, hamstring or calf. It’s got to the stage now where even at half pace, something is bound to go when I do sport.

These days I spend 10 mins warming up with dynamic stretches. But this never helps. Something goes. Today I run for the ball and pop, I felt my quad muscle go when I was at 3/4 pace.

I have seen numerous physios over the years but they have never given me a proper explanation. Why does this always happen to me when people older and less fit do no stretching and walk off the pitch injury free? Is there something fundamentally wrong with my leg setup? Does my walking/posture affect my legs to the point that it is having this effect? My brother, one year older, says he has not had a muscle injury in 30 years of competitive sport and he rarely warms up.

I just don’t know what I can do anymore. I welcome any tips and advice and things that have worked for you to manage injuries.

Thanks in advance

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