Brief Medical History Overview
Age: 73, Male, Presenting Problem Since: For decades, but in recent years under control, Symptom Behaviour: I didn't have the problem in recent years. It has just reappeared, due to a life-style change, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): Same-same; it's acceptable when walking and sitting, but bad when getting up from sitting, Aggravating Factors:: See 5, Easing Factors:: See 5, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues, Other Info: I don't see any - please surprise me with any questions you might have
'Muscle convulsion' in lumbar region: Chance to cure it myself & without machines?
I have a tendency to getting 'muscle convulsion' in the lumbar region. I know that trigger point therapy is a highly efficient remedy: A therapist I used to go to (when I was still in that region) always solved the problem within minutes. Ie he started the dissolution process by 'working a little' on the trigger point, then it dissolved all by itself in the next hour or so.
My question would be, is it realistic to assume that I could remotely learn to do this, such that I could perform it on myself? If so, how exactly would I learn it?
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