Brief Medical History Overview
Not your usual hamstring strain...

My name is Steve. I am an athlete in the sport of WUSHU.
This is a demonstration sport involving martial arts techniques, and acrobatics, performed over a 1min 30second routine.
It is extremely dynamic and strenuous in nature, and requires extreme levels of fitness, strength and most importantly, FLEXIBILITY.
This is a link to myself performing at a wushu competition in 2007, so you can see what i am talking about... (may have to copy and paste the link to your web address bar)
YouTube - Steve Coleman Chang Quan 2007 UK Nationals
Here's my problem...
Since i've been back home from the world championships in china in november 2007, i have massively lost all flexibility. Before i left, my flexibility in my legs and hips was amazing. I was stretching over front splits (a natural progression from front splits on the floor), full box splits, standing side splits, and had excellent active range.
This was achieved through many months of careful stretching, and PNF stretching.
(and of course thorough warm ups and cool downs were always essential)
When i returned home i jumped straight into heavy squat training in an effort to build jumping power. (I was squatting 3 sets of 5 reps at 80% my max lift ability, 3 times a week for 5 weeks)
Over xmas i spent 2 weeks in Florida on holiday with no stretching at all, and tons of walking around.
And the result now is that i have very very painful hamstrings when i try and stretch higher than eye level. I can no longer split (front L and R and box).
I cannot kick high, and now struggle to cartwheel.
At chest level i can comfortably hold a forward stretch. Any higher and i feel sharp pains in my lower and upper hams. But the belly seems to be fine. (It is not the usual stretching pain that i am VERY familiar with, as i cannot relax at all)
I am having deep tissue massage once a week (it was twice a week for 6 weeks leading up to the world championships last year), and very gently trying improve the stretch, but it seems like it's going nowhere.
I have been told that i may well have torn my muscles near the tendons at the bottom and tops of my hamstrings.
But I can walk fine, run jump and sprint fine. It's just my forward range of motion (leg swing fwd) is seriously impaired. And as you can see from my video, i need to kick high and land in splits!
The pain does not feel anything like a usual stretching pain. It's very sharp and even when i try and relax, i cannot hold the stretch point for very long at all.
Is this a typical strain?
If so, do you have any advice that might help?
Thank you for your help.
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