I am a keen runner of 10 years usually running around 25 miles a week. I am due to be running in this years London Marathon in April having already held my place over from last year due to injury. I will lose the place this year if i am unable to run.

Two weeks ago during a multi terrain race i noticed a tighening in the back of my right knee, i carried on and finished the race but the tightness got worse especially on the uphills. In the car on the way home it seemed fine whilst bent but as soon as i got out the other end and put my weight on it it was really sore behind the knee. I iced it.

The next morning, i was struggling to walk it was really sore and my hamstings and top of calf were really pulling. Once again it was ok when sitting and the knee was bent. I continued to ice it daily and by the following weekend it was feeling a lot better.

I tried a short run on the Tuesday (9 days later) and only managed a couple of miles before it started feeling sore again. Have contined to ice it and do some light stretches and tried to run again Sunday (two weeks) it felt much better there was no pain but a distinct awareness at the back of my knee. I ran for 65 mins stopping twice to give it a stretch out.

As the day went on i could start feeling a dull sort of ache at the back of the knee, which has continued through to today.

Do you think this is a strained tendon/muscle?

How long should i leave it before trying to run again?

Is there anything else i should be doing?

Obviously my main goal is to be on that start line in April injury free. However i am at the stage where i should be doing my long slow runs. I had managed a couple of 19 milers end of Jan/beginning of Feb so am not to worried about having missed two weeks. I am however concerned about how to play it. Ideally i need to increase the miles again before the big day and would hope to manage at least a couple of 20 milers mid March. Am i being realistic?

Any advice/info will be greatly appreciated.

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