sry for the bump, but there has to be something!?
I'm trying crossfriction of the supraspinatus tendon, but its either not working or a very slow process...
I'm new to the forums.
And I just typed such a nice post, just to kill it accidently..
So please forgive me for keeping it short,
Whats the treatment for a positive Jobe/Empty Can-Test (that I can do myself)?
thx in advance!
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sry for the bump, but there has to be something!?
I'm trying crossfriction of the supraspinatus tendon, but its either not working or a very slow process...
Have you tried anything else, such as the usualrotator cuff strengthening exericses with your arm at your side?
Actually yes, I was in (physio)therapy about a year ago - the guy focused on building up therotator cuff and the muscle that stabilize the scapula.
And since then I havent had any major problems (prior to therapy I had serious Impingement + bursitis) - only sometimes I get a stingin pain when doing movements similar to those of the Jobe test. Or when doing pull-ups on a bar.
/edit, concerning the pull-ups
I need to be a bit more specific - While doing pullups I dont feel pain, its feeling a bit strange but thats it. After the workout the front of my shoulder joint feels warm but Im not in pain. Not even the next day.
BUT when I touch the area where I belive the supraspinatus tendon to be (Im a layman afterall...) the next day it will feel like someone punched me real hard there, like a invisible bruise.
So its a bit different from the "Jobe-Test-like-movements" where I get a stinging pain instantly
I hope I can make myself understood and thanks in advance!
If you only get pain with a Jobe's test, and at no other time, it doesn't sound like your symptoms are either severe or irritable. I'd initiaterotator cuff and scapular strengthening and decrease the frequency of the pull-ups for a short while. But, overall, nothing in your posts suggest that anything ominous is going on with your shoulder.