Brief Medical History Overview
advice please on thigh/hip injury
I've been having some problems with my right knee/thigh/hip for some time, it got particularly bad a few weeks ago after a longish run when my leg stayed tight and tired for several days and my quad felt a little strained. I decided to get a sports massage which helped a little and was recommended to come back in two weeks (this week). I took it relatively easy until Saturday when I had my first 10k run of the year, I was running late so stupidly did not warm up or stretch, over the last few k I began to get hip pain, on finishing I tried to stetch but struggled due to instability. The pain got worse (now mainly in my thigh) and has not improved, walking is a problem, my leg loses stability whenever it bends slightly and my quad is sore to touch. Getting down stairs is a problem as is getting in and out of chairs. I've been taking anti inflamatories and have iced the area. I've also had problems sleeping as I wake myself up evertime I move.
I'd really appreciate any advice on whether I should be resting completely or doing some movement to stop myself getting stiff. Whether I should see my doctor (who I think would be pretty useless) or a physio, and whether its worth going back for a massage at this stage or wait.
Sports wise i play football, run and cycle regularly.
Thanks for any help you can offer me
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