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Thread: Sore Hamstring

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    Sore Hamstring

    8 weeks ago I had keyhole surgery to remove a torn cartlidge in my left knee. Over the last 10 years I've had a number of operations on both my knees (ACL re-construction in both and cartlidge probs etc).

    For a couple of weeks I've been at the Gym building up strength in my left leg and also doing various aerobic exercises.

    This last week I've started running again (3 times) but the hamstring in my left leg is getting quite sore. It's sore to the touch (like a bruise) although not that uncomfortable when I run.

    What I'm not sure about is whether it's tender because of the weights work in the gym and getting back to exercise (& therefore I can continue to exercise with it) or whether it is actually a hamstring strain and I should therefore rest it (which would be frustrating). If I should rest it, how long before getting back to running again?


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  2. #2

    Re: Sore Hamstring

    maybe you didnt have warm up when you began exercise..
    you have proper stretching before training and don't overtrained..

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