Brief Medical History Overview
Rotator Cuff Injury
Hi, my mother in law injured her shoulder approx 18 months ago probably shoveling snow but she is not sure. She treated it herself with ice and tylenol, not thinking is was anything serious that maybe she just pulled a muscle. At first the tylenol was enough and the pain was tolerable however this pain has progressively gotten worse over the last year, especially the last few months. She went to see her doctor who recommended physio therapy as he suspects a tear in her
rotator cuff. She has gone to physio approx 2 times and has found it very painful. She is having difficulty functioning at work and at home. The physiotherapist has said she will not recommend her for surgery as she believes that if my mother in law continues with physio she will see improvement in 12 to 16 months. My mother in law is quite upset. She would rather have surgery than wait 12 to 16 months to have her quality of life back. Is this amount of physio normal for this kind of injury? When would a physiotherapist recommend surgery? Thank you
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