Brief Medical History Overview
Foot pain

I have been suffering from pain in my left foot for 8 months now. It started with a swollen lateral ankle and no pain but noe pain. The swelling made me walk very cautiously and thus muscles in that area were very tight. I then stopped very abruply while crossing the street as a car decided to turn around in my path. I felt a sharp pain on the sole of my mid heel. This lasted quite a while adn I got some deep friction massage which appeared to help (diagnosed with plantar fasciatis). The pain then moved to my arch and the podiatrsit diagnosed posterior tibial tendonitis. This lasted months and made walking unbareable. I then got a pair of custom made orthotics. These initially helped but the pain in the arch came back so the podiatrist build the arch up a bit. This made all the joints in my foot crack when I walked and I felt I had shin splints all the time. Then my left ankle swelled up massively adn my right arch started to hurt so I took out the built up part of the orthotic. I wore them for a whole days walking (I hadnt done much walking for ages) adn in the evening my right knee was sore. The next morning both my knees and hips were very stiff. I therefore took them out. I went back to see the podiatrist and he sent them off to get a soft padded top cover on them. This took 5 weeks due to problems in the lab and in the mean time the lateral underside of my left foot got very sore and seems to stem fromte plantar fascia again.
I have just got the orthotics back but when I where them even for a short time I think my knees are sore afterwards.
I am completely at a loose end with what to do next.
I dont know whether to persevere with the orthotics as I am scared they will damage something else (i.e. my knees), whether to try new more controlling shoes (I wear asics neutral trainer at the minute with over the counter orthotic) or ??
My left ankle is still swollen but usually goes down after swimming and inaddition I have very poor civulation to that foot.
Any help would be much much appreciated as I am getting very stressed by the situation as I am usually a very active person and need to be for my job.
Many many thanks
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