Brief Medical History Overview
Anterior cruciate and medial ligament damage
Hello, I'm seeking advice on an injury I suffered in Feb. of this year (2008).
Playing football I was tackled and suffered a massive amount of pain to the general left knee area. I do not remember if I heard a 'pop' or 'snap' because of the intense pain. At the time I thought that I had broken my leg, but after 10-15 minutes of lying on the ground I was able to put limited pressure on my damaged leg (left) and walk off the pitch. Subsequently, I went home and rested, presuming that I had only suffered a 'knock' and would be fine after a few days. The knee immediately swole up and became difficult to bend. To attempt to remedy this I elevated the leg, took anti-inflammatories and applied compression bandages. 3 days after the injury took place, while my knee continued to be very difficult to bend or straighten etc., I attended my local GP (General Practicioner).
He quickly gave it a once over and said that I could possibly have torn my ACL (anterior cruciate) and my Medial ligaments, but that I should 'give it' two weeks and see if I could straighten my leg by then.
2 weeks later I couldn't straighten my leg, and I returned to my GP who referred me onward to a consultant. I attended the consultant a few days later (I have medical insurance) and he scheduled me for an
MRI scan. The results of this scan suggested that I had partially torn my ACL and completely torn my Medial. This however, according to my consultant, should not stop me from straightening my leg, and that he believed, although he couldn't tell in the MRI, that I may also have suffered some cartlidge damage, which may be preventing the straightening of the leg. He then advised me that I should undergo an Arthroscopy (key-hole surgery) to determine the exact extent of the damage to my left knee.
I underwent the arthroscopy in March on a Wednesday and was informed by the surgeon that there was no cartlidge damage and that I had partially torn my ACL. He suggested I begin physiotherapy as soon as possible. I then attended physiotherapy on the Monday and gradually worked my leg straight in that and subsequent sessions, as well as, of course, undertaking my proscribed physio exercises in the home. I did four weeks of physio, having been discharged, and was told that I should continue my home exercises for 6 weeks.
Now the reason why I'm posting is because even now (at the end of August) I suffer from a sore knee. The knee pain is caused when I attempt to straighten my leg but only occurs during the last 15-20 degress of movement before full extension. The pain also occurs when bending the knee within the same arc of movement. Additionally, I experience a large clicking noise from my knee when bending my knee after fully straightening it. This 'clicking' was never in my knee before and is so loud my girlfriend heard it once when I was walking down the stairs and she stood in the hallway. This disturbs me that I am still suffering and that now my knee is making noises. I have recently (1 month ago) begun my physio exercises and have NOT played any form of sport or activity in which I might injure my knee at any point since the injury took place. In fact, I do not even like walking on it.
I have gone to my GP a few times and I feel like I'm being fobbed off with excuses like, 'give the exercises another go' or 'you need to wait these things out' and 'everyone has clicking in their knee to some extent'.
Any advice, suggestions for new exercises or anything at all really that you could give me would be much appreciated. I apologise for the long winded 'life story', but I felt it appropriate to give you the history of the condition so that you would understand it more fully. I'd also like to note that this condition is having a detrimental effect upon my mental health. I used to be very active and I taught dancing as a career, which I had to give up upon suffering the injury and find a desk job.
You have my thanks in advance,
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