Hi all, Im new here and hoping someone could help me with my back problem.

It seems I have a muscle imbalance in my back which has come about through work related activities, mainly lifting heavy objects on side of the body.
It has resulted in the muscles on whole left side of my back becoming noticably stronger and tighter than the right. This in turn causes the joints in my spine to move and becomed "locked" and sometimes pinching or pushing on a nerve. I have been seeing an osteopath for this problem for the last few weeks.

I was wondering if you anyone knew of any exercises (Floor or Weights) that would isolate the right side of my back (both upper and lower) in order to start building up the strength on the right side to ease the imbalance.
I know of many exercises for the whole back (both sides) but none which will just focus on the right side.

Any help or thoughts will be greatly appriciated. Thanks for reading


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