Brief Medical History Overview
Lower back soreness

Not sure where to start with this, but here goes. About 2 weeks ago i was doing standing Barbell curls and i was doing them with incorrect form (i know, I've lowered the weight and everything is now perfect with the weights themselves). After the session a spot on my lower back was sore (no pain) and only if i cracked it or leaned back could i temporarily eliminate any soreness ( i know, a bad habit). The soreness was always there after a bicep workout, only less than it was after last weeks, and i only made the link 2 weeks ago, hence i have stopped these are do seated curls now with strict form and lighter weights. My question is really what could this be? Since 2 weeks ago (when i lost did that exercise with incorrect form i.e. arching my back very slightly, i can now feel mild soreness if i lean back. If i don't lean back or forwards significantly then i won't feel anything is wrong, other than when i get off a school chair after being there for an hour. The soreness is not quite on the tailbone (a little higher) and is now on the spine itself as opposed to on the spine and on the those two lumps people have either side of their spine. Any advice would be great on what this could be. It's getting better, but how long would you say? Would ultrasound do any good?
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