Brief Medical History Overview
shoulder impact

Five weeks ago I fell and guess I put my arm out to stop the fall, I ended up on my back. The resultant agony in my shoulder is ongoing. I am 59 and have some arthritis problem in the same shoulder. I read with interest posts about treatment,scans and sports therapists and am surprised there is little advice on self help.
I try pushing the hanging arm against a door both to the front and the side. This has totally improved movement, however if the elbow points out I cannot move at all.
Anything pushing my shoulder forward, for example lying on my back or lounging!! results in increasing discomfort. A lot of movement is restricted for example I cannot lift a shirt over my head.
I am trying movements to loosen the joint but have no idea of an exercise routine; all I achieve is agony as often it clicks painfully as though its dislocating. It seems some movement/exercise is actually counter productive. Sometimes I get to a point where it feels as if the joint has dislocated, jammed a nerve and is sending electric shocks running up and down my arm. This can all be resolved by sitting straight or standing relaxed and allowing everything to fall into a natural position.
A doctor said rest it. Xray is clear.
Please can someone advise me if there is a sequence of exercise routines I can adopt to progressively improve without being counterproductive?
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