Brief Medical History Overview
Post-op rotator repair problems
My problems started 8 months ago. I was injured at work when someone kicked a door open that I happened to be standing on the other side of. I blocked the door with my hand to prevent it from hitting me in the face. The force pushed my arm into my body and twisted me around. I immediately felt a sharp stabbing pain in my shoulder and was unable to lift my arm away from my body. I went to the occupational health unit at the local hospital. My symptoms continued even though I received 6 weeks of PT for a shoulder strain. An
MRI was ordered which showed that I had a supraspinatus tear. I was referred to an orthopedic surgeon who did surgery to reattach the tendon to my bone. My post-op PT seemed to be going well although it was painful. I had good range of motion in all directions except forward elevation. I could raise my arm with assistance but was unable to bring it back down without bending it back into my body then lowering it. I would get such horrendous pains that I became physically ill on a couple of occasions. PT thought this was due to my muscles still being weak...nothing that therabands and weights wouldn't fix. That's when my real problems started. My pain level increased significantly. The area around my clavicle, which had never bothered me, became swollen and painful. My ortho reluctantly ordered an mra to check the integrity of the repair and said that the only thing they could tell was that I had a slight posterior subluxation which the ortho said was due to a weak
rotator cuff and that the swelling was probably due to using other muscles to compensate so he had PT up my therapy a few notches. The swelling has now spread to my neck and above my scapula on the same side of my surgery. I sometimes get stabbing pain in the scapula. When I try to blow dry my hair, drive, type, etc... I get the sensation that I am being squeezed with pliers between my armpit and my shoulder joint. If I try to elevate my arm in front of me, the swelling in my clavicle area increases. I have pain that radiates down to my deltoid area and I sometimes have pain across my wrist on the palm side and have occiasional tingling in my fingers. My pain is not always intense but it is always uncomfortable. The pressure is the worst. That goes from my armpit up across my pectoral region. I have to recline often to relieve that heavy feeling. My husband claims that I cry and say ouch in my sleep. When the pain does wake me up, which is often, I need my husband's assistance to get up. I also have veins across my chest and shoulder that are becoming very prominent. I still do my PT twice a week and do my home exercies dilligently. The real pain comes after I stop exercising. I have sat in the parking lot of therapy crying for an hour before I could drive home. I have one more PT session scheduled and then a visit with my ortho this coming week. He told me on my last visit that I should have been ready to be released 8 weeks post-op and on my next visit he was going to release me to light duty. I left his office thinking OMG! He thinks I am a malingerer! I understand in his position as a Dr. working with a lot of worker's comp patients his duty to the insurance company is to get people back to work as soon as possible but his obligation to his patients should be to get them as healthy as possible first. I look forward to returning to work! I just know that something is very wrong! I guess my question is...Does this sound like the normal healing process? If my ortho minimizes my symptoms on my next visit, should I ask for a neuro consult. Would that be out of line? Should I trust my Dr. that this will all go away in time? Should I go to another Dr. and pay out-of-pocket and not tell him it is work related so I don't have that stigma attached. I just want to be better. I have had one pain free day in the last 8 months and that was the day of my surgery and only because I had a nerve block that numbed my arm for about 20 hours. Are there any particular muscles that I should be working on that could help with the swelling and pressure?
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