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    Brief Medical History Overview

    Scapula and Ulnar Nerve Problems

    I will try and provide a brief history of my problems. So I initially twisted my right arm outwards while straight and it felt like I had strained my triceps. After the weekend the pain had gone. Back at work I noticed within a few days of computer use I had pain in my arm (10 years of previous use with no pain). Within a week of computer use I ended up in lots of pain in my arm and found keeping it bent helped. I was then messed about by my doctor and a few other people but didnt manage to see a physio at all in the first year!

    So now a few years on I have being seeing a physio. My shoulders were pulled forward and I had a hunched look which we have fixed with stretches. I had some weaknesses most notably external shoulder rotation which has been improved. Also my arm didnt swing while walking, it does now.

    I now suffer from two main issues. Firstly my shoulder blade isnt moving properly and secondly my ulnar nerve is slightly irritated. If I hold my arms up above my head the shoulder blade can be seen under the arm pit poking out about an inch further than on the other side. When lying down I can feel it poking into the bed, it does it less so if I bend my elbow.

    It also sticks out if I place my arm behind my back. The arm also has less range of movement behind the back.I dont really know where the ulnar nerve is being irritated. I wonder if it is at the elbow as I find myself sleeping at night witht the arm bent to avoid the shoulder blade feeling uncomfortable. I often wake up in the morning with a numb hand relating to the ulnar nerve. However, both sides are prone to this it is just I generally sleep with my left arm straight. Also if I hold a mobile phone for more than 10 minutes (or just lean on the elbow) in either arm I get the same issues. Computer use and writing cause it more irritation.

    A few other maybe minor issues: I have slightly limited forearm pronation compared to the other side. Also If I hold my arm down straight and twist it continously it tires very quickyly compared to the left.

    I have had an Wikipedia reference-linkMRI scan of the shoulder and neck and nothing was found to be wrong. I am seeing a physio now and was just after any other opinions on it?

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    Re: Scapula and Ulnar Nerve Problems

    A few things:

    * it's been a few years where you've had the problem. It's likely the problem won't go away over night - how long have you been having physio for now?

    * You mentioned you're shoulders being sore or out of place - have you been getting treatment to that area? Where has the treatment been directed to, what has it involved?

    * The fact that nothing showed up on Wikipedia reference-linkMRI does not exclude those areas from being a source of your symptoms. MRI will not show up many causes of pain e.g. muscle tightness, fascial restriction, Wikipedia reference-linkfacet joint tightness, neural irritation - which all may be a cause of your problems.

    To me it sounds as if your ulnar nerve is being trapped in your shoulder - original location of pain suggests that, as does your agg activites. However, your physio should be explaining these things to you anyway and it should match up with any physical examination done on you.


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    Re: Scapula and Ulnar Nerve Problems

    I completey agree with the aboce physio and her suggestions as well. I have seen some similar kind of issues in m y recent practice. Cervical mobs with some neural stretching should give some ease and relief from pain. Howeer as mentioned earlier it is not an overnite thing. Since it is at chronic stage I would recommend of doing a Wikipedia reference-linkMRI as well.
    Hope this helps.

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    Re: Scapula and Ulnar Nerve Problems

    I was curious, do you Sx show up mostly when you sitting ( working on computer, reading , relaxing in front of the tele...).


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