Hi, I would be doing the written component of the PCE in November 09. I live in edmonton and am wondering if anyone is interested in forming a study group.Thanks!
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Hi, I would be doing the written component of the PCE in November 09. I live in edmonton and am wondering if anyone is interested in forming a study group.Thanks!
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Hi there,
I'm planning to write the exam too on Nov. 2009. I'm from Red Deer and we can review too online... email me [email protected]. Hope others can join on our study group. Thanks
Just wrote the written component on saturday...and despite what you might hear...its not that difficult. you do need to study, but after reading a few things on these forums....i psyched myself out thinking i was going to struggle due to being educated abroad (UK). the american exam questions from the o'sullivan study guide are useful for study purposes...but are a lot more difficult than the canadian ones.
books i used:
NPTE review guide
I had colby and kisner but only read a chapter or two due to running out of time
that was about it, as long as you have internet nearby so you can look things up as you need to you you will be fine. during the exam, even if you have no idea about the answer (which will be less than you might think), you can easily...EASILY narrow it down to 2 that could be right.
with enough preparation this is an easy exam......learn from me.....DO NOT STRESS YOURSELF OUT ABOUT IT....and do not get hung up on little facts, this is a test to essentially determine saftey and to clarify that you have some idea of what you're doing.
good luck, youll do fine
thanks for your email! It was very useful.
thank you for sharing that canbrit! greatly appreciated!
hi deborahall, hope we can keep in touch again for the review! all the best!
Hi cristina,
how r u? How's yr studies going on? do stay in touch.
take care.
Hi christina,
I am so sorry for not replying to you earlier. I am very busy getting prepared for the exam in Nov and also busy with my family.
After I attempt the exam I will contact you.
Also pl contact me on my hotmail id which is [email protected], asI find it difficult to log in to physiobob sometimes.
Bye and take care.
Hello, My name is Andre and I am looking for a study group in Vancouver. I am going to take the January 09 written exam. Please if you want to criate a group drop me a line.
I am planning to write my PCE written component in March 2010. If any one is interested in group study pls let me know. I live in Missisissauga,near to Squareone.
I am also looking for a study group.I plan to take the exam sometime next year.I live in mississauga close to square one.If anyone is interested please keep in touch!
Hi Lovely,
Happy to hear that u r interested in group study, pls mail me back in details my email is [email protected] . I am looking for group study, I live close to square one.
Still looking for study buddy/group for PCE 2010 written component.Willing to meet at least once a week preferably every saturdays to discuss precific topics.If this interest you please let me know [email protected].
I am open to any suggestion from an interested participant in this study.My goal is to have a study group by January or earlier.
i will be sitting for my P.C.E theory component 2010. i have done my M.P.T ortho from india. I hope anybody can give me tips for the preparation of the exam. I am also looking for somebody who is thinking or will be sitting for his theory component by next year.If possible, we can study together. I am in calgary. [email protected]
I'm also looking for a study group. I'm in Mississauga!!
My email is [email protected]
If anybody interested in forming an online study group, please reply to this message. I live in mississauga too but can't come out for weekly discussions. But can do it online !