I"m looking for some people to study with for the November clincal component of the PNE. I'm currently in London, Ontario
I have a very flexible schedule.
Anyone interestd, pleaes contact me ASAP
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I"m looking for some people to study with for the November clincal component of the PNE. I'm currently in London, Ontario
I have a very flexible schedule.
Anyone interestd, pleaes contact me ASAP
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Hey guys!
Just wondering if there is anyone else is Vancouver who is studying for the Novemebr 09 Practical PCE and would like to form a study group! I find studying with a group is much more effective! Please let me know and we can swap details!
Talk soon!
I will be moving to Vancouver in a couple of weeks and would like to join a study group for the November clinical exam.
I'm writing the clinical PCE in November too, but I'm in Edmonton. Still holding out to find a study group in the area (unfortunately U of A gets out in December), but I might be up for one weekend near exam time if that does not work.
Hi Cornell
I am in guelph and am registered for the nov clinical. I would be interested in a study group. Let me know
Hi there
Anyone in the Toronto downtown area looking to ad someone to their group?
this is my second attempt, my first attempt was in June.