Is anyone intersted joing a group to study for part 2 of the Canadian exam in Jun 2011 in Toronto?
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Is anyone intersted joing a group to study for part 2 of the Canadian exam in Jun 2011 in Toronto?
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I would like to talk to you about the group study. I am also planning on taking the exam in June 2011. Please let me know how to reach you or send me a note at [email protected].
I am also looking for a study group in Toronto for JUne 2011.. [email protected]
R u still looking for a study group for June 2011 practical? Please let me know.. [email protected]
Any one looking for professional help Please e.mail me at [email protected]
I'm an Irish trained physio resident, living in downtown Toronto. Registered for the June exam but really need to find people to pracice with!
Email me [email protected]
I'm an Australian trained physio that is preparing for the June 2011 clinical component. Anyone interested in forming a study group or would allow me to join their current study group in the Toronto area? I work at a rehab clinic in Scarborough currently and can possibly host the practice sessions there. Please email me at [email protected]
I'm an physio preparing for the NOV 2011 PRACTICAL. Anyone interested in forming a study group, would allow me to join or put me to a current study group in the Toronto area? I know i am late but could not help it as i was out of the country. Please email me at [email protected]
Hello vb
I am exhausted, stressed and have nothing to loose anymore.
I am poor, desparate and need help.
I have been preparing for the written part of the PCE exam.
The exam is Nov. 26 and I have enough funds until approx. Dec.
I am tired of living on rice, bread and oatmeal and being hungry.
I need to pass this exam for a chance of escaping my poverty.
If there is anybody out there who could lend me a hand I would be forever greatful.