Hi Guys,
I need any help regarding the useful textbooks or references or materials to preapare for the written exam, specially from guys who passed this exam.
I'm in Toronto
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Hi Guys,
I need any help regarding the useful textbooks or references or materials to preapare for the written exam, specially from guys who passed this exam.
I'm in Toronto
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If you need help e.mail me khushi.ji@ymail.com
You will be informed about everthing you need to pass the exam.
Hi Khushi,
Thank you for your reply.
I'll be appreciated if you tell me every thing necesary to pass thje written exam.
By the way, I sent you an email from my yahoo e-mail.
Waiting for your response.
Best Regards,
Hi Khushi,
Thanks alot for your information.
If you have any other advices, please keep me informed.
Hello Mohammad, My name is Ibrahim and I am from Jordan too. I am preparing to take the PCE written exam this year houpfully be Sept or Nov. could you please contact me. I could use some help regarding the materials and any hints will be appreciated. My email is I_elsaber@hotmail.co m . I graduated from JUST.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
P.S I live in Markham, half an hour north of Toronto.
hie guyz!
i jus failed the written component of the PCE given on july 16,2011 for the first time, really depressed.
going to give it again in nov 2011.
could anyone help me with the necessary books to study other than kisner and colby, and NPTE guide.
also mail me if you want to group study at amritaratnani@gmail.com.
hi there, i am going to write the exam in November as well. Looking for group study. currently residing in Scarborough. please contact
You will find more information here: Yahoo! Groups
including what books to study from and other valuable resources.
Hi all,
I am moving to Calgary this summer and will be sitting the November 2012 written exam. I have been searching for availability of a formal preparatory skill course/workshop within the Calgary/Edmonton axis. similar to the one organized by the University of Toronto MCQ Exam Skills Preparation Workshop — Physical Therapy and the University of BC Internationally Educated Physiotherapist :: Home. So far the only course I have been able to find is a PTHealth run programme, but it applies to the clinical (OSCE) exam.
Does anyone know of any similar programme running this Summer/Fall in Alberta?
Hey all,
I have done my physiotherapy from india and now will be moving to canada this year end most likely as my husband is a canadian citizen....but i heard that credential evaluation is a big headache for indian students, they ask for PLAR for most students, so how much time it takes to complete PLAR and then I heard that PCE exam is very difficult, indian students dont clear it in first try, so how many tries we can give max?
I was hoping to get some advice on the Written component of the examination. I am an internationally educated physio and currently assembling material to study for the exam. In particular, what are the most relevant & useful books to prepare for the exam.your response will be appreciated greatly.
Thank you.
i am looking for some study partners. I applied for the alliance in june 2012, expecting some response by the end of next year. In the mean time it would be nice if we can discuss the syllabus and keep in touch with physiotherapy. I live in hamilton.thanks
I am preparing to give the written exam in Nov 2013 & looking for a study group. I am in brampton, If somebody is interested plz reply back.
Hello Dhruv,
I am also planning to give my written exam hopefully this nov. I wanted to know what texts are you referring to for your studies?
I havn't yet started reading exhaustively. But basic books are NPTE STUDY & REVIEW GUIDE, MAGEE, KISNER & RED BOOK, Frownfelter for cardio.
For help with the exam check out the online BC physio prep course, provides all the information you need to pass the exams and practice tests.
i am interested in preparing for written pce exams...
ready to discuss..... any ideas
how to contact u
If any one is interested in exam prep class then please contact me.
I am also preparing to write my exams in November.
We can discuss on skype if you are interested.
I recently did the IEPEP programme with UBC and I have lots of resources regarding preparation for the exams.
Hope to read from you soon.
Hi, I'm giving exam in nov too. I live in surrey. Is it possible to get your email id or skype id please. Thankyou.
Contact us for Skype classes. Khushi.ji@ymail.com
Hi I am vani mallah.. I have a question regarding IEPEP program. Is it really useful for PCE? Can we save all material for the future use like MCQ and resources ? I will appreciate your help..
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Hi I am vani mallah.. I have a question regarding IEPEP program. Is it really useful for PCE? Can we save all material for the future use like MCQ and resources ? I will appreciate your help..
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Hi I am vani mallah.. I have a question regarding IEPEP program. Is it really useful for PCE? Can we save all material for the future use like MCQ and resources ? I will appreciate your help..
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Hi I am vani mallah.. I have a question regarding IEPEP program. Is it really useful for PCE? Can we save all material for the future use like MCQ and resources ? I will appreciate your help..
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Hi I am vani mallah.. I have a question regarding IEPEP program. Is it really useful for PCE? Can we save all material for the future use like MCQ and resources ? I will appreciate your help..
Classes starting for written and clinical soon! Please call after 11 am to register. 647-824-4481
We have in class and online classes for out of town students.