Has anyone sat the Dubai DHA computer assessment. Any one got any idea what sort of information we need to study for it? Is it easy or hard? How long does it take etc?
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Has anyone sat the Dubai DHA computer assessment. Any one got any idea what sort of information we need to study for it? Is it easy or hard? How long does it take etc?
Kind regards
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Hi Kirsten,
I am also looking to write the DHA exam. The only info I found in regards to study resources was on the HRD website (Health Regulation Department) on the Government of Dubai website. They suggested the following titles:
1) Muscle Testing and Function with Posture and Pain. 5th Edition, Florence Peterson, 2005
2) Clayton's Electro Therapy, Theory and Practice, Anglea Foster 9th Ed. 1999
3) Tidy's Physiotherapy, 13th Edition.
4) Physical Rehabilitation, Assessment and Treatment, 3rd Edition, Susan B.Q. Sullivan, 1994.
5) Tide's Physical Therapy, Ann Thomason 12th edition.
These books seem so outdated to me!!! I was wondering if you could help me out...I'm trying to apply to write the DHA test via Prometrics the computer testing center, but we require an "Eligibility ID" to apply to write the test. Do you know how to receive this ID?
Last edited by Canada Kate; 27-10-2013 at 08:17 PM. Reason: typo
Hello Canada Kate .. Hello Kirsten,
I passed the DHA licensing exam in March 2013 and it was a nice experience ! I highly encourage you both to take the exam and start looking for jobs in Dubai. There is a high demand for western qualified physiotherapists in Dubai and they receive excellent salaries as well.
The exam nearly cover all aspects of physiotherapy practice. So, when you get to study for the DHA exam look for sources that review all areas of practice no matter what the source is. Personally, i studied from NPTE review and study guide. Other colleagues used Tidy's Physiotherapy. Focus as much as you can on anatomy, therapeutic modalities and Muscloskeletal Physiotherapy.
The exam is a 70 MCQ questions in 2 hours. In my own point of view it is not a hard exam .. I can call it "Normal or Average Level exam".
The whole process takes no more than 14 days to complete (including the exam) provided that you have your payment method ready because they do not accept payments from outside UAE :/ :/
To receive your "Eligibility ID" you have to apply on the DHA website first. Make a new account there, upload required documents and pay fees. After 3 days they will direct you to "Data Flow" to make sure of your documents validity. If all your documents are valid and everything is okay they will direct you to the Prometric website and provide you with the "Eligibility ID" to sit for your exam.
I hope my reply is helpful and not too late !!
For further inquiries plz feel free to contact me on: [email protected]
ramywhite (15-02-2018)
Good Day
I need your guidance for DHA exam, I am looking for NPTE review and guide book but unable to find, can you guide me where can i found this book in Dubai or Abu dhabi.
Is there any book shop or any online pdf version link?
I will appreciate if you help me out, waiting for your prompt reply.
Hi there, i am from india I heard that dha physio exam requires sponsor from dubai? Is it true information? I am planning to work in dubai....kindly help me out.
Thank you drklrathi.
Sir, 1. should I apply by myself or should I hire an agent for dha...?
2.i have searched in dha websites They require GOODSTANDING CERTIFICATE, what is it...?
this forum is really Very usefull.....
Its up to you, both routs are ok, advantage of going through recruiting company they MAY help you to find out some job and disadvantage is they will charge for it. Good Standing certificate will issued by local medical council, usually, of your primary qualification, they will charge for it and have a expiring period.
I am new to this forum and would like to know how to apply for a license in Dubai or Abu Dhabi to work as a physiotherapist. I am a registered PT in the United States and was thinking of moving to UAE because my family lives there. Thanks.
Hiii..I am a physio currently working in India. I m planning to go to Dubai.. I am rite now at the PSV payment stage...BT I want to know how much time its takes to prepare for dha?
Thanks a lot...I also wanted to kno that can v choose any date for the exam or they have specific dates for it...and how much time did d PSV take ? And which books are helpful for dha.. I m sorry to bother you...BT it would b really helpful... Thanks..
Muscle: Testing and Function with Posture and Pain. 5th Edition, Florence Peterson, 2005. 9. Physiotherapist Clayton`s Electro Therapy, Theory and Practice, Angela Forster, 9th Edition 1999. Tidy`s Physiotherapy, 13th Edition. Physical Rehabilitation, Assessment and Treatment, 3rd Edition, Susan B.Q., Sullivan, 1994. Tide`s Physical Therapy, Ann Thomason, 12th Edition.
These are official books given at DHA website..
I personally reading ntpe...Sullivan book..
Also yes you con choose any available dates they are providing appointment at any date except Saturday and Sunday...
It will take approximately 4 week to complete PSV this is what they had mentioned in site..but you can track your status online and also request them to process quickly.
Hope this is helpful
angelpt (28-09-2015)
Hey Jinal! This is Tejasvi. Can you tell me how did you register for the exam and what are the steps to get a license in Dubai?
- - - Updated - - -
Hi I am from US. I wanted to apply for license in Dubai. I am unable to find a site which explains me the steps for the same. Can somebody please help me with the steps for the same?
Thank you!
Hey Jinal. I am a physio from vadodara only. Just joined this forum. Wanted to know from where we can get detail guidance of DHA exams. or can you guide me? and do we need any agent for this??
Hi..am very new to this forum,planning to write DHA exam.But i dont know much detail about this exam, but i want to know wheather they are having exam centres in India?
how about the payment details? is it reliable? can you please help me.. sorry to bother you about asking so many questions.
Thank you.
I am from Greece and a licensed physiotherapist. I am interested in wiorking in Dubai so I guess that I shuld take the DHA exam. I wanted to ask what are the books that I should read and if you know how I can take the exam since I'm from Greece and currently living there.
I want to write the DHA exam ? is there any preparatory CD's , online practice tests available for me to study ?
I am planning to sit for DHA physical therapy exam however i register username
And password at eservice.dha.gov.ae and after that I was trying to get in individual services to start my application to get authorization to sit for exam but
I had problem when I enter my birth date under individual services
Keep saying required date of birth (dd/mm/year)
Despite of I enter correct date of birth and also let me mention this after I see error I thought we have to enter the date and month in 2 digit format for example if my month of birth is in July I am suppose enter as (07) however website not letting me do this way because there was a drop down box and in that it was only single digit format so can anyone help me with this and also I did email to dha.gov they never respond ......😱
Thank you
I am physiotherapist from India(2 yrs exp) but havent been practising since 2 yrs due to family reasons. Now i am planning to move to dubai and want to work there.could anyone tell me about moh and dha exam? Is it only written exam or there is oral also? And is there any possibility that i could get training before i start working as a physio again just to brush up everything?
Hello this is Dr. Jakir from India, already applied for DHA , PSV process done, in 1st assesment trial got fail to crack it, dont know what to do to pass it plz help me.
Hi Dr. Jakir
Its sad that you did not pass the exam. But you will probably get through it next time.
Could you please email your ques and the pattern of the exam as i am preparing fot it too.please this would be a great help for me
Thanks emailbid is [email protected]
Yeah sure i wl send u all the materials and tools which i have.
Thank you.. plz share ur mail Id
I am going to appear for DHA exam next month i don't have any idea about what to study..can u please help me with the questions and study materials.. my mail id is [email protected]
U can share study materials in this id.. It would be a great help.
Thank you...