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    International Accreditations for NZ educated physios

    can anyone help?
    I am in my final year of studying physiotherapy at AUT in New Zealand so have started thinking about jobs. I was wondering which countries can I go to without doing other exams or paying huge transfer of registration fees.

    I think Australia and UK (may not be for much longer but am not 100%) is ok for NZ educated.

    Does anyone have a list?

    or could anyone help with France, Ireland, USA, Singapore, Jersey, caymen Islands, China, Dubai and any other country you choose to mention.
    Thanks heaps

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    Re: International Accreditations for NZ educated physios

    Dont bother with the UK- there are no jobs for UK educated new grads so your chances of getting a job here are pretty slim, sorry! Check out some of the other UK posts for more info....basically due to a financial crisis here there is little money for junior physio jobs so there are big cut backs in numbers being advertised to save money. At the moment about 70% of the UK trained new graduate physio's are unemployed (that's several thousand people) so for every job that comes up they are getting over 400+ applications, I even heard of 1 permanent job in London which had over 1000 applicants! We're all having to face the prospect of coming to NZ, Canada, USA etc to work so really I wouldn't waste your time with trying to get to the UK as a new graduate!! Plus the majority of jobs that do come up are temporary (2 weeks to a few months) so there is very little security for us here

    I would try Australia if I were you, you could always come to the UK when you have some more experience as there are plenty of jobs at senior I level. To work in Canada you will need to sit a written and practical exam, USA is the same. European countries vary country to country so you would need to check with them separatley but I think as your degree is not from an EU country you would have to do exams. Though in Oz you wouldn't need to sit any exams Or why not just stay in NZ?! I'm hopefully going to move there at the end of the year when I finish my physio degree

    Sorry to be blunt but the situation in the UK is absolutley terrible!

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    Re: International Accreditations for NZ educated physios

    can you tell me about this exam. I am indian and it's my last year in BPTso tell me the prosses "how i apply there for exam or job".

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    Re: International Accreditations for NZ educated physios

    Quote Originally Posted by ABHISHEK SRIVASTAVA View Post
    can you tell me about this exam. I am indian and it's my last year in BPTso tell me the prosses "how i apply there for exam or job".
    You can find information in the Working as a Physio in Australia section of this forum, or you can click on the Physio Registration link on the top of www.physiobob.com. This will provide links to the Aussie registration providers etc.

    Aussie trained Physiotherapist living and working in London, UK.
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  5. #5

    Re: International Accreditations for NZ educated physios

    Hi Jess,
    I am a fellow AUT graduate and moved straight over to practice in Oz after finishing my degree. I am happy to answer any questions you have. It's a painless process to transfer your registration over to Australian. You will find trying to work further abroad than Oz in your first year out difficult. Sounds like you have the travellers itch? Nice part about oz is that you can try different states where practices can be quite different. Unfortunately the physio's from my year who tried the UK with no experience came back with their tales between their legs. It is getting more and more rediculous to get a "good" job over there and the employers are having a field day offering less and less support and education opportunities because of the high demand for jobs. Private practice over here is also an option for new grads but be wary of the pitfalls, most run on commission, so if your slow or like a chat your bank account will pay. Also you have to pay insurance which is a hefty yearly fee on top of registrations, memberships etc.
    If you need any other help please post another reply and I'll give you my email address.

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    Re: International Accreditations for NZ educated physios

    Hi All,

    I am a physio working in London and I am currently going through the process of obtaining accreditation to sit for the PCE in Canada. I am hoping to sit in July. From what I am gathering here, very little is known about the exam unless one has done it before. It seems unnecessarily difficult to prepare for.

    However, I am open to any advice that anyone can give. The huge reading list given by the Alliance is close to useless for preparing for an exam; i.e read all the physio books known to humankind. Any guides on 3 or 4 core texts?

    What are the exams trying to test? Basic knowledge? differential diagnoses? I'm just trying to get a steer on how to study.

    Are there any physios who have cyber study groups?


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