im swapnil doing bachlor of physiotherapy from india. im preparing for pce and npte.I think studing in group will help us out a lot.all those who want to join me out are being welcome.
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im swapnil doing bachlor of physiotherapy from india. im preparing for pce and npte.I think studing in group will help us out a lot.all those who want to join me out are being welcome.
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here is what i was thinking...
flexor tendon repairs
the strength/duration curve shows that healing is weak at 3 weeks but of sufficient strength to tolerate active contraction of the muscle
post op- pt should wear a hand splint for up to 4-6 weeks depending on surgeon. so wrist is in 20 degrees flexion, mcps in 60 flexion and fingers in extension. (a kieninert splint allows pt to actively extend and passively flex within limits of splint.
so...active extension and passive flexion should start in 24 hours to avaoid post op complications.
cont. with gentle, progressive active rom at 6 wks.
at 8 wks progressive strengthening
at 12 weeks moderate stress can be applied to flexor tendon in flex/ext. (pt may be able to start work depending on nature of job)
at 8 months- full tensile strength recovered
extensor tendon repairs
post op- wrist maintained in 45 deg. wrist ext. splinting/cast
mcp joints in extension for 2 weeks approx then splint is usually changes to allow active flexion, passive extension of mcp joints (4-6 wks)
7-12 wks cont with progressive rom to active ext.
8 wks start strengthening regime
pt may begin working at 12 wks...
same lines of thought?
hi jess
not sure of specific timeline. Can you point out any of the refferece. Thanks for informative ideas.
Bhuvnesh Shah
im unfortunate to inform you that ill not be able to be on net for three dayz.i promise ill be in regular contact after than.
nice to see you again mr. bhuvnesh where had you been so long.
thanks to you n jess for filling strength in our group
keep going ill rejoin you soon
can anyone help out with what exactly are 'frenkels exercises', how they are done, basic principles?
thanks, jess
Originaly designed to help the patient with loss of the funciton of the dorsal colume of the spinal cord and proprioception, the main principal of the frenkel's is teach the patient to substitute the proprioception with the visual cues during the movements.
hope u find it help full
Bhuvnesh shah
thanks for thaat. do u know of any websites, references that are useful for more detail?
I found this on the web which gives a practical idea of what Frenkel's Exercises are and how you might use them in the clinic:
Frenkel's Exercises for Ataxic Conditions
These exercises prepared by Curative Services -- Courage Center
This program consists of a planned series of exercises designed to help you compensate for the inability to tell where your arms and legs are in space without looking.
The exercise routine takes about 1/2 hour and should be done 2 times daily.
1. Exercises are designed primarily for coordination; they are not intended for strengthening.
2. Commands should be given in an even, slow voice; the exercises should be done to counting.
3. It is important that the area is well lit and that you are positioned so that you can watch the movement of your legs.
4. Avoid fatigue. Perform each exercise not more than four times. Rest between each exercise.
5. Exercises should be done within normal range of motion to avoid over-stretching of muscles.
6. The first simple exercise should be adequately performed before progressing to more difficult patterns.
Exercises While Lying:
Starting position: Lie on bed or couch with a smooth surface along which the feet may be moved easily. Your head should be raised on a pillow so that you can watch every movement.
1. Bend one leg at the hip and knee sliding your heel along the bed. Straighten the hip and knee to return to the starting position. Repeat with the other leg.
2. Bend one leg at the hip and knee as in #1. Then slide your leg out to the side leaving your heel on the bed. Slide your leg back to the center and straighten your hip and knee to return to the starting position. Repeat with the other leg.
3. Bend one leg at the hip and knee with the heel raised from the bed. Straighten your leg to return to the starting position. Repeat with the other leg.
4. Bend and straighten one leg at the hip and knee sliding your heel along the bed stopping at any point of command. Repeat with the other leg.
5. Bend the hip and knee of one leg and place the heel on the opposite knee. Then slide your heel down the shin to the ankle and back up to the knee. Return to starting position and repeat with the other leg.
6. Bend both hips and knees sliding heels on the bed keeping your ankles together. Straighten both legs to return to starting position.
7. Bend one leg at the hip and knee while straightening the other in a bicycling motion.
Exercises While Sitting:
Starting position: Sit on a chair with feet flat on the floor.
1. Mark tine, raising just the heel. Then progress to alternately lifting the entire foot and placing the foot firmly on the floor upon a traced foot print.
2. Make two cross marks on the floor with chalk. Alternately glide the foot over the marked cross: forward, backward, left and right.
3. Learn to rise from the chair and sit again to a counted cadence. At one, bend knees and draw feet under the chair; at two, bend trunk forward; at three, rise by straightening the hips and knees and then the trunk. Reverse the process to sit down.
Exercises While Standing:
Starting position: Stand erect with feet 4 to 6 inches apart.
1. Walk sideways beginning with half steps to the right. Perform this exercise in a counted cadence: At one, shift the weight to the left foot; at two, place the right foot 12 inches to the right; at three, shift the weight to the right foot; at four, bring the left foot over to the right foot. Repeat exercise with half steps to the left. The size of the step
taken to right or left my be varied.
2. Walk forward between two parallel lines 14 inches apart placing the right foot just inside the right line and the left foot just inside the left line. Emphasize correct placement. Rest after 10 steps.
3. Walk forward placing each foot on a footprint traced on the floor. Footprints should be parallel and 2 inches from a center line. Practice with quarter steps, half steps, three-quarter steps and full steps.
4. Turn to the right. At one, raise the right toe and rotate the right foot outward, pivoting on the heel; at two, raise the left heel and pivot the left leg inward on the toes; at three, completing the full turn, and then repeat to the left.
5. Walk up and down the stairs one step at a time. Place the right foot on one step and bring the left up beside it. Later practice walking up the stairs placing one foot on each step. At first use the railing, then as balance improves dispense with the railing.
Upper Extremity Exercises:
When the arms are affected use a blackboard and chalk. Change a minus sign to a plus sign; copy simple diagrams (straight lines, circles, zig-zag lines, etc.) Various coordination boards may be used to improve eye-hand coordination.
oh thanks very much! that was wonderful and greatly appreciated
...ok just a little confused. contraindications to TENS- decreased or altered sensation... so why is it a treatment modalitiy used to control neuropathic pain where the nerves are quite obviously damaged to some point? is it that the TENS is used elsewhere on the body? or is 'decreased/altered sensation' just a 'precaution' to use TENS?
i know its advised to use in trigeminal neuralgia, but physiologically if you think about the principles of TENS, wouldnt this aggravate the pain?
I would like to join your group, please let me know how to contact your group.
An Idea Of Non Matching Subjects For Usa
hello im likely to apply for credentialization by august 2007 for the licensing for los angeles. Here im giving subjects studied by me during my b.p.t., can anybody who have gone through the process kindly give me an idea of non-matching or missing subjects needed during evaluation or to be qualified separetly.
Course Content
First Semester
Basics of Anatomy & Physiology-I
Basics of Anatomy & Physiology-II
Basic computer skills
Communication skills in English
Second Semester
General & Clinical Psychology
Sociology & Biostatics
Third Semester
Nervous System & Neuromuscular Transmission
Musculo-Skeleton System & Joints
Clinical Orthopedics
Exercise & Electrotherapy - I
Fourth Semester
General Surgery
Physiotherapy in Medical & Surgical Conditions
Exercise & Electrotherapy - II
Fifth Semester
Physiotherapy in Cardiothoracic Conditions
Physiotherapy in Neurosurgery
Sixth Semester
Computer Skills for Office Management
Professional Practices in Physiotherapy-I
Seventh Semester
Professional Practices in Physiotherapy-II
Diagnosis & Treatment Planning
Management of Physiotherapy Department
Community Medicines
Eighth Semester
Advanced Therapeutics
Rehabilitation & ADL
Dissertation Project
Total Credits of Programme 128
i would like to join ur group.let me know how to contact ur group.
hi! swpnilmy self mukul n i m from mathura n i want to join your group.
I am very much impressed with ur offer for the preparations. I am very much interested to do group studies. Can i join with ur team to update my knowledge. Please do reply to me if so. Good luck.
I think its not too late. I would like to join this group. My mail ID venkatpt@gmail.com
Is anyone studying for the May Canadian PCE? I'd like to get into a group. Please email me at chrishawke82@hotmail.com.
hello swapnil,
here is a student of 3rd year from gujarat n want to know about enterance exams for mpt in india n other countries.
i wil be very grateful n happy if u guide me for this n i too wanna join ur study group so wil u tel me subject for sun or if u dont mind wil u tel me how to join ur group.
hi swapnil,
I am from Pakistan, really like the your efforts for NPTE. Well, I am undergoing credentialling as well. Send me your cell number and email and we will discuss the subject we had studied.
hi swapnil,m in 4th year of physio frm india.i want to know about entrance exams in us, aus, cannada........and even i would like to join ur study grp
hello swapnil and all out there in his group,
i am really glad to see tat all of u are really doing a great a great job by discussing on specific topic and enhancing each others knowledge,i would like to introduce muself am laxmi from india and have recently given my final yr exams waiting for results i really was not understanding wat to do next here watching ur discussions i get a new way,
so i really wish to join ur group are u ready to join me with you,
take care u all,thanks
hello swapnil and all out there in his group,
i am really glad to see tat all of u are really doing a great job by discussing on specific topic and enhancing each others knowledge,i would like to introduce myself,am laxmi from india and have recently given my final yr exams waiting for results i really was not understanding wat to do next here watching ur discussions i get a new way,
so i really wish to join ur group are u ready to join me with you,
take care u all,thanks
I would like to join ur group. please let me know how to go ahead with my preapration for NPTE,ACOPRA.
Hi everybody,
I am also studying for the written part of the Canadian national exam. I had my credentials assessed by the Alliance of physiotherapy regulators and I am looking forward to joining the discussion. If anybody has questions about the process up to this point please feel free to ask.