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    Lightbulb Topaz Radiofrequency (coblation) Therapy for Peroneal Tendons

    Topaz Tendonitis Therapy

    In cases of tendon damage, few options have existed in the past. Prior surgical treatment dealt with removal of the scar tissue requiring long periods of casting and delayed return to activity.

    The Topaz coblation technique utilizes a special probe to break up scar tissue and increase circulation to damages tendons. The procedure is often performed without a large cut in the skin and allows for rapid healing of the damaged tendon with little to no downtime.

    The Topaz radiofrequency therapy procedure demonstration. A small incision is made. The fascia is checked and the probe is used to make small holes into the fascia to increase blood to the area and break up scar tissue.

    Here's a bit more info from an article I read at: Radiofrequency now used to treat common tendon problems. | Goliath Business News

    A new medical device and technique referred to as TOPAZ is offering a less invasive alternative based on radiofrequency technology and is being quickly adopted by sports medicine specialists around the country. The technology offers an innovative advancement in the treatment of tendons and fascia. This procedure is a quick, simple and a minimally invasive alternative to conservative therapy.

    How it Works

    Debridement, or the surgical removal of unhealthy tissue, often is necessary in the small joints. Including triangular fibro-cartilage (TFCC) in the wrist, small joint tendons or articular cartilage damaged via injury or prolonged, excessive movements of the ankle, elbow or wrist.

    TOPAZ is essentially a technology which enables the debridement of soft tissue, such as tendons in the knee, shoulder, foot, elbow and ankle. The technology applies the controllable properties of Coblation.

    Coblation technology offers an alternative to standard surgical techniques for removing and treating tissue. Largely considered the gold standard, coblation technology is now used in more than 10,000 operating rooms and 2 million patients worldwide.

    While most radiofrequency-based surgical products, such as lasers and electrosurgical devices, use heat-driven processes to remove or cut tissue, Coblation-based devices operate at a lower temperature, allowing for more precise procedures than would be performed by traditional surgical tools. Instead of exploding tissue structures under high temperatures, Coblation technology gently dissolves target tissue, minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissue.

    The significant benefits of Coblation technology have led to its adoption across a number of surgical specialties, including arthroscopy, spine and ENT, and research continues in new areas.

    In the case of TOPAZ technology, Coblation is being applied specifically for the debridement of soft tissues such as tendons.

    Through a small incision about an inch long the TOPAZ MicroDebrider is applied on and around the affected tendon for 1/2 second duration treatments a quarter inch apart until a gridlike pattern is formed. With every fourth application, the device is inserted deeper into the tendon--approximately 1/4 inch in depth.

    Small amounts of tissue are removed as a light dose of radiofrequency energy is directed into the tissue.

    The entire TOPAZ procedure typically takes less than 20 minutes and the patient is ready to leave the clinic once recovered from light anesthesia.

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    Last edited by physiobob; 17-01-2009 at 11:50 PM.
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