Hi everyone,

I wonder if anyone can help me with a quick query.

I qualified in 2009 and have been working in the NHS since - primarily outpatient MSK.

I'm looking to make the move into private practice, and my bank has asked me to put together a business plan. There are a couple of elements I'd like to check, to make the plan as accurate as possible.

- I'd like to target private-pay patients, but I'm not sure how realistic this is as a new private practitioner. Is there a 'typical' profile of patients for private practice (e.g. 20% private, 30% NHS, 50% medico legal?) What does this look like for a more established practice?

- I've noticed there are a number of practices for sale, e.g. on this website. Is this a route worth investigating? Would I be able to 'take over' the practice's patients, or is it more about taking over the physical space and equipment?

Thanks in advance for all your help!


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