
I'm after more advice. Having established a business plan I now need to negotiate the cost of renting the physiotherapy space that is available to me.
The space is used during the day for physiotherapy treatments and has 'all the kit' that a physiotherapist would need for a selection of treatments. I should explain that I would only be able to rent the room on a relatively flexible arrangement during evenings and weekends.

In trying to negotiate a hourly rental fee I am worried that the place I want to hire it from will ask too much and leave me short (or with little money left before tax) after each paid treatment session - which maybe an hour or just 30 mins.

Unfortunately I have little knowledge of renting physiotherapy premises and so thought I would ask on the forum - does any one have a sensible suggestion of hourly rental fees.

I believe the initial figure they threw at me was £30 per hour......... but I believe that a fee of that price would leave me with nothing once the tax man took his chunk aswell.

Thanks very much,

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