Hi! My name is Nicholas and I am a Final year PT student in England and would like to get in touch with other PT students from around the globe. I would like to get an idea of what it's like studying and working in other countries.
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Hi! My name is Nicholas and I am a Final year PT student in England and would like to get in touch with other PT students from around the globe. I would like to get an idea of what it's like studying and working in other countries.
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Hi everybody!
My name's Federico and I'm at the second year of Physiotherapy in Italy. Hope to make new PT friends to exchange ideas and experiences Please contact me at: fedebell87@hotmail.com
hi this is mukesh 2nd year pt student ,great idea,b in touch
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii friends... this is ragu frm chennai... doing physio final year..... nice to see u all here..... good luck.... keep in touch with me baluragunath@yahoo.com.,, take care.
Hi everybody,
I am Riyad,4th year pt student at University of Mauritius and would like to make friends.
feel free to contact me on : k_riyad@hotmail.com
I'm Emma. I'm Irish but I'm studying physio in the Netherlands. I'd love to work in an acute hospital in India. I've seen a lot of Indian physios and physio students on here. Does anyone have any information about what the job scene is like in India at present or suggestions for hospitals that they would recommend working at?
hi this shilpa doing my fial year PT. I want to know whether physio is valuable in future
I am Teekay,a 2nd year physiotherapy student in Amsterdam.Looking forward to meeting and making new friends here.
hi my name amen aziz... im a pt student in malaysia...
rite now doin research on acl rehabilition, R.I.C.E regiment... but i have a problem to find free article and free journal on the net... can someone help me please
Sure!!!But not in Uk???
hye......im nancy a 2nd year physio student frm malaysia.....
i wanted to knw more abt this field too.....
....nice to get to knw u all......
hey i am doaa form Egypt physio therapist in 3rd year in Cairo uni
hey im ben a 2nd year physio student in UK, i am interested, feel free to message me
hey im a 2nd year physio student
hi niki iam mhmd in the trainig year of physiotherapy cairo univ,egypt my email dr_pt_2020@yahoo.com
hello all, im fakhrul from malaysia. hope u all can help me with great information yeah
Hi Niki! My name is Theodora Voon. I'm currently taking diploma in physiotherapy at Malaysia. Nice to meet you. my email is vxy717@gmail.com , keep in touch!
I'm Helgi, from Iceland ! I'm still on my first year but have finished most of the anatomy.
Hi colleagues.
It seems that I'm the first Finnish student here that's introducing himself. I'm Henri and I'm 2.year student from middle Finland. At the moment my occupational / professional status is "Erasmus exchange student" and I'm accomplishing my practical training at Denmark.
I'm hoping that this forum can bring some new elements to my professional development.
Hello to all
My name is Lujza and I'm a second year PT student from Macedonia, Europe.
I'm glad to be a member at this forum, and I hope I'll get knowing all of u, my feature colleagues![]()
my msn: hristova_90@hotmal.com
my skype: [COLOR="rgb(255, 140, 0)"]lujza.hristova[/COLOR]
Hi. Im sarvarkhan.. Im doing final physical therapy from india. would like to come and stay in touch of all of you. Al the best for your carreer though... take care
Dr Jharna (04-10-2011)
HI TEAM , I TOO WANT TO JOIN YOU,I HAVE COMPLETED MY BPT AND PLANNING FOR MOT . MY MAIL ID { gourishankarchintalapudi@yahoo.com}. forward andthing
hi im thomas studying BSc. PT for 3rd year in Malaysia, i would like to connect wt u guys, do add me in msn, thomasng90@hotmail.com hope to connect with u guys....
all d vest for the study....
r u plan to move for usa . if sooo
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Hey me a final year master student (specialty - neurosciences), from India. I would like to get to know physio in other countries and what opportunities are there in Physiotherapy.
so get in touch, my mail id is kedarmate@yahoo.co.in
Also we all could discuss recent advances in management in various conditions.