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    What does "Bank" post Mean in Physiotherapy


    I'm currently in my first year as a Physio student. Previously I was a PTA in Neuro for two years. I have an interview as a PT Assistant next week, but cant quite find the real meaning of the term "Bank". They have had my CV for 5 months, does this mean they have banked me for 5 months until they have needed me, or does it refer to the post ie, they wont be able to offer set hours, and will only offer me occasional hours, so banking me for when they might need me?


    Uni of Herts

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  2. #2

    Re: What does "Bank" post Mean in Physiotherapy

    Hi Karen

    Bank is basically a reserve physio / assistant etc. Given the climate in the UK all soon-to-be physios should expect this type of position to be more and more common (unfortunate but true).

    Essentially, you are on the 'bank list' and they call you in as and when they need you. You will agree available times and set maximum hours. It is usually good as a student but never let them book you in when you should be at college!!

    Hope this helped a little.

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