Hi all, I thought I'd keep a separate thread here for the Nuffield situation. As I understand it the Nuffield Physiotherapy Group claim to be the largest independent provider of physiotherapy services outside the NHS.
Various physiotherapists have in recent times joined this expanding group for various reasons. This issue that now faces them all is that the Nuffield group is/has tendered for a BUPA contract on behalf of all those physio's involved within the group. I am not sure if each one was asked about their willingness to be involved (as most are not) or whether in the physio's agreement with Nuffield whether they permit Nuffield to undertake such tenders on their behalf having already given their proxy to do so.
I think some of the Nuffield physio's are up in arms over the issue and have instructed them they are not to tender on their behalf. For to do so would give BUPA immediately access to the largest (albeit regional) independent physio group and would have Nuffield physio's essentially becoming BUPA physio's as well.
As this is a vague area right now any and all comments from those in the know would be appreciated.We spoke to Paul Donnely on receipt of the same letter, to ask if this was in anway a precursor to the BUPA tender, or wheather it would follow the same lines. He said he was aware of it and that he thought that the two processses were unrelated.
I also heard from a Nuffield employee to-day that they had come to an arrangement with BUPA to treat their patients, under this present tender. We had incidentally already asked Nuffield not to include us in their tender.
Have Nuffield already won the tender before the deadline of the tender? If so surely that is ilegal?
Comment by suspicious physio. — April 21, 2009 @ 4:55 pm
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