Hi All, this came in from PhysioFirst this afternoon

Advice to Patients Regarding BUPA Tender Process

Dear Member,

Please see below for advice you may want to give to your patients or post in your waiting room whilst we await the results of the BUPA tender process this week. Obviously whether you post this or not is a matter for your own judgement but in providing this sample notice we are very keen to ensure that the words used are accurate and do not give grounds for any adverse legal action that would be very unwelcome.

Notice to patients insured by BUPA

We have to advise you that you may not be able to receive treatment in the future in this clinic due to a new, unwelcome development by BUPA.

BUPA, the largest Private Medical Insurer in the UK, has recently announced to private physiotherapy practitioners that if they want to continue to treat BUPA patients, they must participate in a "blind" tender process. They have asked circa 6,000 private physiotherapists to compete against each other to be allowed to continue to treat BUPA patients.

We are aware that a number of physiotherapists have decided not to tender at this time and that others that have submitted a tender may not retain their provider status, or may have to continue to negotiate with BUPA. It is this practices’ considered opinion that under the working conditions which BUPA are seeking to impose and at the low fees they are prepared to pay for our expert services, we are unwilling to continue as a BUPA provider.

We have been informed that any BUPA patient currently receiving treatment will have until August to complete their treatment with their current physiotherapist but thereafter may be required to seek treatment from an alternative physiotherapist that BUPA chose to recognise.

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