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  1. #1
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    elbow hyperextension

    i normally do neuro PT. My son is a basketball player who sustained a hyperextension injury. i would like to update on strapping techniques to prevent him going into too much extension. I have done the equivalent of :heel lock" and "X" shaped strapping across the anterior joint, with anchors...anything else?????

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  2. #2

    elbow hyperextension

    Sounds reasonable. Perhaps an overwrap for the game with a self adhesive elasticated bandage. Smith and Nephew have a few as to Biersdorf. I have used these with great effect for small muscle strains in the quads and calf. But remember all you are really achieving is an early warning device. It will not prevent hyperextension if he falls on an outstretched hand. Tell him to stay wide and shoot only for three pointers!!


  3. #3
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    elbow hyperextension

    We commonly use a 'check-rein' type taping for the prevention of elbow hyperextension with footballers and throwers. 3 stage taping: anchor straps proximally and distally; about 10-15cm prox and distal of the elbow joint (circular, and therefore NOT tight). Then bend the elbow to about 20degrees more flexion than you plan to stop his elbow at. Now, straps from one anchor to the other in a criss-cross formation (about 3-6 of these). Finally, just anterior to the elbow where there is a gap between the skin and the tape, tape around the exposed tape, and tape over the anchor straps again to lock these in. Hope this makes sense.

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