I'm a student physio currently working with a men's hockey team and I have a bit of a problem case.
I'm currently treating one of the guys for just general wrist pain and stiffness. He says his arm is fine at rest but during matches, training, etc. it becomes quite painful.
He has pain on the dorsal side of the forearm on resisted flexion and a pain "inside the wrist." He also has pain on radial/ulnar deviation and supination.
For the past few weeks, I've been doing some deep forearm massage and frictions around the wrist post training and matches. Pre matches and training, I've been taping around the wrist. I tried taping to prevent excessive flexion/extension, but he says he feels more comfortable with just the tape around the wirst to stabilise it. I've also given him stretches and some light strengthening. After treatment he says his wrist feels better and does so for a number of days until the next time he has a match/training.
He has no prior trauma to the wrist.
At the minute, I feel that this patient has plateaued with his treatment slightly and any ideas you have would be greatly appreciated!
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