Hello everyone,

I am looking for advice regarding a suitable protective wrist/ forearm splint that could be used during skiing.

I am currently treating a 14 year old boy who fractured his left radius/ulna in 3 places when he fell playing football on 22/9/09. He was treated with ORIF and conservative treatment (below elbow cast). His cast was removed on 6/11/09 and since then his ROM has steadily improved. He has full elbow and wrist ROM except wrist extension where he is achieving approx 2/3 ROM. He struggles with supination where he achieves approx 50 % ROM. Previously he has fractured his humerus x 1 and his wrist x 2 on same arm - separate incidents. This has been investigated and was put down to sheer ‘bad luck’. Apparently his supination was restricted prior to this current injury. Additionally his thumb power has been affected at the IP joint – he now has 3/5 flexion and extension power. Two weeks ago this was only 1/5.

At the moment he is continuing his ROM exercises. In addition he is carrying out some gentle strengthening exercises and I have encouraged him to swim. He is very active and still attends his karate class but does not participate in any sparring or contact activities during the class.

His family wish to take him skiing in Jan/Feb 2010 and have enquired about a suitable protective splint for him to wear to limit the possibility of him re-fracturing. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on something that would be suitable?

Many thanks!

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