Hi All

New to this forum and came across when reserching a current calf injury, and thought i may be able to get some more advice.

About 6 years ago i reptured my ACL and LCL ligaments in my right knee. As a result of poor hospital treatment it took a while for them to organise Wikipedia reference-linkMRI scans etc.. By the time they knew what i had done they advised me that they would have operated but as so much time (8 weeks) had passed, then it was too risky to operate. If i had just done one ligament they could have but both meant the could not.

All is ok with my knee at the moment and i was advised i would need, keyhole surgery within 2 years, full op within 5, and knee replacment within 20.

As we now have 6 years more advances in medicine I was wondering if anything has happened that may make my injurys 'fixable'??

Just a long shot but was curious, any advice would be appriciated.


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