Hi, I'm hoping someone can help me... :-(

I play sport on a regular basis, however I pulled my hamstring playing football last year. I sprinted for a ball late in the game, and felt a pop. I had to leave the game instantly. At first I thought it was a usual muscle pull, so I rested, iced it, kept it elevated, and let it try and heal. After a weeks rest, I realised that it wasn't an ordinary tear. I went to the hospital, and was given some physio. Things seemed ok after a few weeks so I started to train again. Things seems fine as I warmed up and ran about, however once again my hamstring pulled after stretching for a ball...

Now, after months of staying away from any strain on my leg, I feel a difference in the back of my leg. If I run my fingers along the back of both my legs, I can feel a "gap" on the leg I hurt! It's as though there is some muscle missing!!

My fear is that a muscle in the back of my leg was torn completely and healed in the wrong place??

I'm no expert, but it's just what I'm worried about.

I've played tennis, and can get through games, but any sport that involves suddenly extending my leg rapidly results in a pain and a feeling of pulling my hamstring again.

What could have happened? and what can I do to solve the problem and start playing sport again?

Is it possible for a muscle to tear and heal in the wrong place?? How can this be fixed?


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