Can anyone tell me if there is still any appropriate situation where the Patella Tendon should be used as a first choice for ACL reconstruction?
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Can anyone tell me if there is still any appropriate situation where the Patella Tendon should be used as a first choice for ACL reconstruction?
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Tough subject. As you would be aware other choices for ACL reco are hams graft and even ITB, depends on the patient. Chronic hams probs pt's would not benefit from hams graft. Similarly pt's with chroniic PFJ probs would not be considered for patella graft. Also if quads function is impaired patella graft would further impair the knee extensor mechanism. Depends on the patient
Tough subject. As you would be aware other choices for ACL reco are hams graft and even ITB, depends on the patient. Chronic hams probs pt's would not benefit from hams graft. Similarly pt's with chroniic PFJ probs would not be considered for patella graft. Also if quads function is impaired patella graft would further impair the knee extensor mechanism. Depends on the patient