Hey guys, first time poster here. I did some research but I just could not figure out exactly what is wrong and what I need to do about it.

I'm 24 years old so the years of running all day and not worrying about my muscles are coming to an end. However, I can't stop playing football so that solution is out of the question haha.

Basically, 3 weeks ago I was really dehydrated and continued playing the game. I took a shot with my left and I heard and felt a pop in my left hamstring. I hobbled off the field and rested for about a week and a half. I remember testing it by stretching it in different directions to see if I felt anything unusual. It felt pretty good and I went out and played again. I was fine for a while and then I pushed off with my left and felt it kind of pop/strain which caused me to stop. I rested it and wrapped it occasionally, but I really didn't know what I was doing. Yesterday i went out and played again, but I decided to take it slow. I kept everything at a jog and painfully had to avoid going for some 50-50 balls. At the end I felt extremely sore. I can still jog right now, but it hurts when I walk even.

What is unusual about it is that I can lay my legs out in front of me and it wont hurt, but if i'm slouched I can't bring my left leg to straighten out like I can on my right. The pain is at the top of my leg almost where my butt connects to the back of my leg. I'm not really sure what stretches I could be doing or what else I should be doing over the next weeks to properly heal this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks ahead.

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