I have a really bad problem with my achilles tendons

It all seems to have started about 4 months ago

I was doing training for a trek to Africa

I was carrying a bergen with about 45Kgs in it, I was walking on a flat surface and covered about 8-9 K's, I was wearing boots

I noticed that after my walking, my calves were stiff and my achilles tendons ached, I used ice packs on them and raised both feet

I carried on with the walking, but decreased the weight, it never improved, in fact it got worse, I used ice bandages on them while walking, it helped but not a lot

Anyway I went on my trek, my achilles tendons were still sore and stiff, but I persevered, it camer to a head when I was climbing a mountain <3000 meters>to see gorillas, I pulled a calf muscle, I had a choice, up or down, I went up (I was so close to seeing gorillas for the first time, I didnt want to let an injury stop me)

Coming down was painfull, but going down is easier than up, but I paid for it the next day, I used a compression bandage on my calf muscle, which really helped

There was a lot of walking, up and down hills, dirt tracks, grass strips, anywhere you could walk really

Anyway the trek finished, I still had problems, after a fair bit of stretching and calf raises and lowers, I could stand it no more, I was having trouble coming down stairs in the mornings

This has put paid to any serious running or walking now, I cant do either

I went to see a PT who looks after Ruilsip Rugby club

She used a ultra sound machine and deep tissue massage (so she said) it was for about 7-8 minutes on each ankle

It was a bit better afterwards, but as the day goes on it always is, a bit stiff, but I can walk without looking like an old man

I have silicon heel cups in my boots, the ones with the blue dot on them, I was told they would help with any shock when walking (I only wear boots, always have, dont own a pair of shoes or trainers) she looked at them, said they were fine

Now I have to go back on Monday, for another examination, apparently my feet arent bearing my weight, they turn in at the ankles and I may need orthotics

I have never had a problem with my achilles tendons before or walking with a heavy bergen on my back (when I was in the Falklands I carried an awful lot more and for a greater distance, my boots are better than what I was wearing then)

Is the PT really doing what she says ?

Does ultrasound really work and how ?

Does a deep tissue massage do anything apart from aggravate the injury (she called it 'frictioning')

As I sit here now, if I cross my feet over and put pressure on my achilles tendons, they are painfull and I know I am going to struggle coming down stairs in the morning

Could anyone here give me some advice on the above questions (am I going to need these orthotic things ?

Is the PT taking me for a mug ?

Is her treatment going to be effective ? (I'm paying 45 quid a visit)

Would my wife be avble to do this frictioning thing ? and could I buy/rent a ultrasound machine ?

Your views and opinions would be appreciated

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