hello! i posted this question in a piano forum, but the information i'm looking for is more "scientific" and precise than how they could help me with.

if anyone knows a better forum for me to ask this question, please suggest that, too!

after playing piano for a short time, or sometimes after typing on my computer, i have this urge to stretch my wrists, especially if i'm not moving my wrists very much. subjectively, it feels that my wrists get tired (or something) when they don't move much, and that i need to stretch it to feel better. i want to know about what physically is happening here?

for example:
- what IS my wrist, anyways? what is happening inside it when i have the urge to stretch it? what causes that to happen?
- what does stretching actually physically do, and why does it feel better after stretching it?
- pianists on the forum talk about it bad using a "locked and immobile" wrist, and how it's not good to "accumulate tension" in the wrist. what does it mean for the wrist to be locked, and what exactly is tension, and what does it mean for it to accumulate?

i wonder if it's more clear about the more "scientific" and precise nature of the information i'm looking for. people talk of wrists and tension and such, but when i experience tension, i want to know what it actually *is* that i'm experiencing.

i hope some people can help me understand!

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