Hello all,

I am a 19 year old male that has bee going through some rough pain whenever I do something physical such as basketball or football mainly.

I have been experiencing this pain for quite a long time now, months (not sure how many) and I am going to be seeing a doctor pretty soon just wanted to get some quick opinions on it.

Pretty much whenever I exert myself physically I get these pains in my upper thigh/groin area. While I am playing the sport or activity, the pain appears about 20-30 minutes in but it is not too unbearable, just an annoying lingering pain. When I get back home and sit and relax for about 20-30 minutes, the pain becomes so unbearable I can barely walk. After I rest for a few hours/overnight, the pain goes away and only comes back when I do something physical again.

I first thought it was an inguinal hernia but I don't think so since there is no bulge where it normally would be and I have a lot more pain than what I would think the hernia would be according to friends/research.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as to what you think it may be!!


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