I have a patient, 18 y.o elite triathlete c/o anterolateral knee pain when running only. Insideous onset when running a couple of weeks ago. No pain when cycling, swimming, or with normal ADLs. Pain is not present when she is warming up in her running sessions but about 15-20min into session feels sharp pain anterolaterally (right over her infrapatella fat pad). She initially has very tight ITB however with a couple of weeks rolling it out on a foam roller it is now fine. Her gluteal stability on single leg squat is good no pain however she does get pain with a single leg hop. Her ligamentous and meniscal tests are all NAD and she is not tender along her joint line, or over the fat pad.

Initially I was thinking ITBFS however I definitely don't think it is now. I was then thinking fat pad irritation however she really isn't tender on palpation of her fat pad (even though when she points to the pain that is where it is - very specific point). I am now potentially thinking a lateral plica syndrome (however this is very rare).

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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