Hello all PhysioForum members!
Long time since I logged in hereI must say I value members' answers here greatly.
I am in search of help in another sport related injury. A few months ago I started feeling a dull pain in the anterior right thigh, somewhere near the pubic symphisis. I identified the pain as relating to one of the adductor muscles, because it occurred mainly during adduction of the femur. The pain occurred mainly during run training(I am a triathlete). The pain usually appeared at the start of the run and died down after 10-15 minutes, although came back if I ran faster. After a few weeks I had a hard time running. Swimming and biking is almost not effected.
Currently, almost all activities that include abdominal flexing / adduction of thigh are painful. This includes flexing the torso when getting up from bed, lifting weights and so on.
I tried not running for a few weeks which did not help. I tried icing, stretching gently, and strengthening abductors and core.
I must add that a few years ago I had the same problem with my LEFT thigh. Tried everything then, too, nothing helped. It went away only after a year or so....which brings to mind problems such as false running technique\anatomical abnormalities(which I am sure are not sobad if they are the cause, becuase I visited a very know PT here and also a sports orthopedic. Both had limited value and suggested MRI to rule out labrum impingement. I did not undergo the imaging since until then the problem disappeared- this was on the left side)
I think the problem is adductor(mainly:longus or pectineus) tendinitis.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to help the pain go away?
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