I am looking for some advice. I am 22 yr old male, and have been suffering with hip/groin pain for the past 12-18 months.
The pain started just over a year ago. I began to notice it at the front of my hip when running. I went to orthopaedic consultant who noted limited internal rotation. This is the most painful movement. I had some physio, stretching excercises. I also had an Wikipedia reference-linkmri looking for a labral tear which was came back clear.
Since then I have got on with my training (rugby player and keen cyclist). The hip has not resolved and aches after training. The limited rom is still present (esp. int. rotation). When I play rugby the hip feels "stiff", especially at extension.
Previously I had a knee operation 6 months prior to the start of this pain. Lateral collateral and bicept femoris reattachment following a rugby injury, and wonder whether this is related? I do have poor flexibility, and am trying to work on this. I was wondering if anyone has experience of a similar thing, or can suggest a way of attacking this one. It is the lack of int rotation that worries me, as this is painful and restrictive. I would appreciate any advice,

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