I'm a 25 year old male, keen sportsman and bodybuilder with a self-taught knowledge on nutrition and therefore I can safely say that I am currently eating with the intentions of getting bigger and stronger and therefore there is absolutely no reason as to why my deadlift has gone from 190kg to 160kg in less than 4 weeks other than the fact my lower back is shot. And I'm not sure why. Which brings me to you fabulous people.
My form is fine, I've had trainers and coaches police that. It just seems that after the first or second set, my lower back is the reason I cannot continue. It feels as though someone is stabbing me whenever I walk and when actively deadlifting, it feels as though my lower back will snap. Tough one to explain, I just know it's not right!
I am not yet looking to seek physical help because I'm currently seeing a physio about a dislocated shoulder (on the way to recovery).
Even a full, active set of squats is enough to make me feel like my back has been trampled on by a few elephants. Is it a sign of poor mobility, flexibility? Do I need to stop these compound lifts for a while? I feel like an old, old man.
Any advice would be so much appreciated,
Thank you.
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