Hi Guys,
I'll try to keep it as brief as possible.
I go to a wind tunnel in order to train for skydiving. I've progressed to the point where the positions I'm in require more use of my arms.
Sit fly - which looks like this http://www.dropzone.com/images/photo...2520Hawaii.jpg
Head down - which looks like this http://infiniteskydiving.files.wordp...03/mg_7201.jpg
Both these positions require my arms to be extended and to use them to push against the air (which is going at between 140-160 mph) in order to maintain stability/lift.
I have always had issues with these positions. After 45 seconds or so of being in these positions my left shoulder begins aching then gives up completely. However my right arm is fine and I have never had issues with my right arm/shoulder.
I saw a private physio for 8 weeks who did deep tissue treatment, acupuncture and told me to take 4 weeks out to rest while also strengthening my shoulder ( I believe he thought it was rotator cuff / subscapularis.
I went back after 4 weeks and it made no difference. I told him this and he told me to just keep strengthening it, which I continued to do, but it never improved.
I went to a different physio (NHS) who told me it wasn't a strength issue, but that my control was bad, so she gave me a light weight and told me to do certain exercises in order to improve my control/stability in certain positions.
I did this for 8 weeks without going to the wind tunnel, when I went back (yesterday) there was still no difference.
I've never had a shoulder injury (to my knowledge), this only effects me in the tunnel and not in my day-to-day life.
The only thing I can think of which may be relevant is that if performing a front dumbbell raise, my shoulder will click on the way down and there's a bit of discomfort.
Besides that, I've never had a shoulder injury or anything.
Pretty desperate now, any of you guys got some ideas? Fully willing to pay for private physio (based in London)
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