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I don't know if this will help but with back-hip issues like that I often find:
1) Quadratus lumborum spasm which if you work out, relieves some of the hip pains too. I have been fighting with this muscle for years but have got my best results using a rigid vibrator that can engage muscle posteriorly and anteriorly and pushing until it releases some. Then I do Janda style stretches (client pushes up hip crest 15 sec - releases and as releases you violently push down hip crest) - repeat 3 times.
2) Lateral flank just above iliac crest will be very tender (really stands out when body is twisted)- superficial muscles will be tender and cluneal nerves that go through it very tender as well. Engaging tissues on one side and pushing transversely will bring stars to ones eyes and burn like crazy but if done until released some will give significant relief.
3) About 1/2 will have a very tender ~T11 facet which I manipulate with an activator and then positional release by elevating affected leg with a pillow while lying on one's stomach,
4) About 1/2 will have gluteal spasm near hip crest and a piriformis issue.
5) Then there are lumbar and SI concerns too.
If you are interested, I have described this on my site but think that would be poor form to advertise...
Let me know if this helps.